We’re back and better than ever! Every other week, Sir Rick and Gooch settle every frivolous debate imaginable while possibly doing irreparable harm to their marriage. Have an idea for a topic? Email us at pizzadogproductions@yahoo.com.
Podcasting since 2021 • 74 episodes
Latest Episodes
We May Get Cancelled For This One
Well pups, it's been a good run. Dizz and Gooch may be back but Sir Rick is for sure going to get cancelled now. Please have a moment of silence for us.
Season 2
Episode 22

Fall Looks Like It's In The Air
Wow, lots of things have happened since the last episode and the team is gearing up for the holiday season. Dizzle talks about his recent tour through the Nordic capital cities, and Rick and Gooch talk about some recent dumb purchases that they...
Season 2
Episode 21